Archive for Month: May 2022

SAVE THE DATE | 28 September 2022 |11 years of supporting SMEs in Europe’s space industry

For 10+ 1 years since its incorporation SME4SPACE has been supporting SMEs in the European space industry. To celebrate this anniversary, we are delighted to announce our anniversary event, a seminar held at the ESA Industry Space Days:   “11 years of supporting SMEs in Europe’s space industry”  WHEN: 28 September […]

First results of the SME4SPACE survey on the implications of the war in Ukraine on SMEs of the European Space sector I May 2021

MORE THAN 50% OF THE SMEs WORKING IN SPACE ARE CONFRONTED WITH THE EFFECTS OF UKRAINIAN WAR SME4SPACE has the first batch of responses of the ‘’Consequences of the geopolitical situation to Space SMEs’’ and we are starting to extract some interesting findings. First results indicate, with no surprise, that […]