How it works
Every year the ESA SME Office with the support of SME4SPACE, organise a series of meetings, where SMEs active in the space sector, are invited to share with the Agency their views regarding what affects their work.
A. PREPARATORY MEETING(s): In this phase space SMEs are invited to express at a high level, the topics/ issues of their interest. These topics are gathered from the Agency and will feed the agenda of the ESA SME FORUM that will follow.
B. SME FORUM: In this phase, there are presentations of ESA and SME4SPACE regarding important ongoing programs related to the industry, and then based on the issues brought up by the SMEs in the preparatory meeting, a fruitful, in-detail discussion is made between the Agency and the companies or/ their representing associations.
Every year important outcomes are extracted from this milestone consultation process, that benefits the European space companies and ecosystem.
How to participate
The meetings will be held online, and we encourage those interested to be involved, to watch and actively participate in the process. You would be able to watch/ comment via the chat/ be given the floor to express your opinion.
In 2022, topics to be addressed will include:
- Challenges for the industry in ESA programmes and the space market: impacts of the geopolitical situation and external factors (the war in Ukraine, COVID-19, scarcity of materials and components, supply chain issues and inflation)
- Commercialisation, New Space and fostering the space SME ecosystem
- Responsible procurement
- Other issues to be brought to the attention of the Agency
To express your interest in contributing to the process and to sign up for the preparatory meeting on 8 June, please register here.