Take part in ESA’s SME Financing Survey. SME4SPACE is supporting the European Space Agency’s SME Office and we would like to invite you to take part in its SME Financing Survey.
Why this survey?
ESA is working on different avenues to support the business sustainability of the industrial space SME ecosystem. The SME Financing Survey is designed to understand the current financing conditions, needs and market gaps which could help the Agency to design efficient support instruments.
Who should complete the survey?
SMEs from all ESA Member States, Cooperating States and Associate States which are active in the space domain are invited to fill in this questionnaire.
How can I participate?
To fill in the survey, please go to: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/SMEFinancing
The survey is password protected, so we kindly ask you to send us an e-mail in order to receive the password at info@sme4space.org
Completing the questionnaire will take about 15-30 minutes. Considering the financial nature of the questions, it is advisable to have the last three financial statements of your company at hand.
Deadline to fill in the survey is 31st May 2019.
We thank you for your time and support.