On 24 and 25 November 2022, ESA is organising a two-day training course about Product Assurance (PA) at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands). Please note that this is an on-site-only course, thus remote participation is not possible.
Participation is free of charge, however, travel, meal and accommodation costs will not be covered.
For further information and registration, please follow the link: https://learninghub.esa.int/content/product-assurance-esa-projects-smes-hardware-november-2022
The course is particularly for employees of SMEs who have limited knowledge of PA activities in the space sector.
Detailed Agenda for the 2 day-event:
Agenda Day 1 | Agenda Day 2 |
-Welcome -General Product Assurance (J. Hall) -PA/QA in an ESA project -PA tasks during project -PA disciplinesDependability and -Safety (F. Cosson) -Introduction to Dependability, Reliability, and Maintainability -Dependability Requirements and -ProcessIntroduction to Safety (objectives, scope) -Safety Requirements and Analyses -Lunch -EEE Components (L. Bonora) -Radiation Hardness Assurance (S. Rason) -Visit to EEE lab and M&P lab | -Materials and Processes – 1 (A. Graham) -Materials and space environmental effects (A. Tighe) -Cleanliness and contamination control (J. Eck) -Lunch -Electronics assemblies, printed circuit boards (PCB) – 1 (S. Heltzel) -Electronics assemblies, soldering processes – 2 (C. Villette) -Visit to EEE lab and M&P lab |
Please, do not hesitate to contact us further at info@sme4space.org, in case you need any further information.