
Webinar on Legal Aspects of the Consortium Management of ESA Projects
The Webinar will be held by SME4SPACE Chairman, Hans Bracquené, who is a legal counsel with extensive experience in legal aspects of ESA contracts and consortium management.

SME4SPACE: Detailed assessment of the impact of the Ukrainian war and the EU sanctions on the European space SMEs
Right after the start of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, SME4SPACE conducted a survey amongst its members to assess the consequences of the war and the European sanctions on SMEs active in the European space industry. This first survey revealed, [..]

SAVE THE DATE | 28 September 2022 |11 years of supporting SMEs in Europe’s space industry
For 10+ 1 years since its incorporation SME4SPACE has been supporting SMEs in the European space industry. To celebrate this anniversary, we are delighted to announce our anniversary event, a seminar held at the ESA Industry Space Days: “11 years of supporting SMEs in Europe’s space industry” WHEN: 28 September […]

Take the Survey on space activities of SMEs in Europe
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) provide not only a large potential for innovation, they also represent an ever-increasing share of the European space industrial landscape. In view of the increasing relevance of SMEs for the activities of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the industrial base of its Member States […]

2017 GNSS Market Report
2017 GNSS Market Report – Issue 5 – available on line.

SME4SPACE aims at representing SMEs in the European space sector viewpoint towards ESA, European Commission and related Executive Agencies.