Presentations of ESA, SME4SPACE and AKRK of the Interactive Q&A Session at SpaceTechExpo I November 2019

On Wednesday, 20 November (14:00 – 16:00 CET) SMEs had the opportunity to contribute to an interactive session organised by SME4SPACE and AKRK  (German Space SME Association) in cooperation with ESA SME Office. The event was an opportunity for SMEs to learn and ask questions about the support offered by these associations and ESA SME Office. SMEs had an opportunity to highlight the kind of support they would like to receive in the future, share their experiences and provide feedback on measures already implemented. The event took place in K52, just in front of SME4SPACE Booth K30 in the exhibiton area of the SpaceTechExpo.

If you have missed this event, download the presentations of the speakers from the following links associated to each speech from the Agenda of the event.


14:00       How can the SME Associations support you.

14:30       How the Harmonisation process can help SME technology developments

14:45       How can the ESA SME Office support you.

15:00        Open Q&A: SME expectations on support to be received and/or experiences on support received and/or suggestions for improvements and actions

  • SME policy (ESA-policy and individual national policies)
    • Role of SME4SPACE and AKRK
    • Communication, Trainings, Access to ESA-Facilities
    • Technology Developments
    • Contribution to ESA-missions
    • Global Market
    • Financial and Contractual Aspects

15:45       Wrap-up

16:00       Early Cocktail with “Get-Together”

Download the Agenda in pdf